Drove to Arkansas over the weekend, so everything I was wanting to do, kinda got pushed aside. I wanted to check out a game store where I was going, but I didn't get the time. I did have a good time and got to see some insanely green areas of the US. It was hilly, lakey, and just downright pretty. I had a good time meeting Katie's family. I also had some Texas inspired BBQ that was awesome. I love me some BBQ and nothing is worse then crap ass BBQ. But enough about that, what made Monday busy? I've been reworking the site.
You can see the new design here. Tell me what you think. I know it isn't the most exciting design due to the lack of flash, animation, etc, but it is much more functional etc as well as easier to view on different applications. The plan is to add more images and more minis as they get done obviously :).
The painting plans this week are a burna squad, loota squad, and maybe some possessed for myself. I want to put together a Valk as well as the 2 Battlewagons. I am tempted to play Marines for Ard Boyz and built up the following basic list.
HQ: Lysander
HQ: Chaplain, Termie armor, Combi-melta, Digital Weapons
Troops: 10 Tact, Meltagun, Multimelta, Pwr Fist, Combi-melta, Razorback
Troops: 10 Tact, Meltagun, Multimelta, Pwr Fist, Combi-melta, Razorback
Troops: 10 Tact, Meltagun, Multimelta, Pwr Fist, Combi-melta, Razorback
Elites: Assault Termies (5), Crusader, Multi-Melta, Extra Armor
Elites: Terminators (5), Crusader, Multi-Melta, Extra Armor
FA: Landspeeder, MM
FA: Landspeeder, MM
FA: Landspeeder, MM
Heavy: Predator, Hvy Bolter Spon
Heavy: Predator, Hvy Bolter Spon
Heavy: Predator, Hvy Bolter Spon
Total pts is under 2500 so I might be able to throw some extra armor around. I have to see and build it out etc. The big thing is that I have to put together all the vehicles and the dudes. I want to do a specific conversion for the razorbacks, so that will be a test to see if I can get it to work right. Might ask a local builder to throw some together for me as they are based on his design.
I grew up in Texas, and lived in San Diego for a time. I can confirm that there are few things on earth worse than crap-ass BBQ.
I had relatives in Arkansas, and I hear you about the greenery. I also found a lot of it devoid of civilization. Good BBQ though? totally worth it.
That also looks like a fairly nasty list...
I don't know if I'd look for more MM/HF speeders, or more Termies.
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