Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I painted lots this week

Woot - it was a crazy week - I got a ton of stuff done. So all is good on the overall completion stage of my painting. Space Goats is almost finished with Army one - will list that one and then what will be built in the next few weeks. Fun stuff indeed.

Painted Space Goats List - V1

HQ: Rune Priest, Living lightning, JoW - 100pts
HQ: Rune Priest, Living Lightning, Murderous Temptest - 100pts
HQ: Wolflord, Thunderwolf, Frost Axe, Storm Shield, Saga of the Warrior Borne, Runic Armor - 210pts
Elites: Wolf Scouts (5), Meltagun, Plasma Pistol (2), Meltabombs (2) - 125pts
Elites: Lonewolf, Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Storm Shield, Fenris Wolves (2) - 105pts
Elites: Lonewolf, Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Storm Shield, Fenris Wolves (2) - 105pts
FA: Fenris Wolves (10) - 80pts
FA: Thunderwolf Cav (5), Powerfist - 280pts
Troops: Grey Hunters (10), Meltagun (2), MoW - 170pts
Troops: Grey Hunters (10), Meltagun (2), MoW - 170pts
Heavy: LRR, MM - 250pts
Heavy: LRC, MM - 260pts

Total - 2000 pts

This is what I have fully painted. The next plan upgrade is to add another Thunderwolf Squad, and some Rune Priests on Thunderwolves with Cyber Wolf jerks running with them. Here is the thought list.

HQ: Rune Priest, Living Lightning, JoW - 100pts
HQ: Rune Priest, Murderous Temptest, JoW - 100pts
HQ: Wolflord, Thunderwolf, Frost Axe, Storm Shield, Saga of the Warrior Borne, Runic Armor - 210pts
HQ: Canis - 185pts
Elites: Iron Priest, Thunderwolf, Cyberwolves (4) - 155pts
Elites: Iron Priest, Thunderwolf, Cyberwolves (4) - 155pts
Elites: Wolf Scouts (5), Meltagun, Plasma Pistol (2) - 115pts
Troops: Grey Hunters (10), Meltagun (2), MoW - 170pts
Troops: Grey Hunters (10), Meltagun (2), MoW - 170pts
Troops: Fenris Wolves (10) - 80pts
FA: Thunderwolf Cav (5), Powerfist - 280pts
FA: Thunderwolf Cav (5), Powerfist - 280pts

Pts 2000 - this might change a bit and the 2 Rune Priests might drop to Njal as he is a jerk. I can then drop the Wolf Scouts and look at either more dogs or some other nonsense depending on what I feel like. But that is the other option that I plan on building towards too. The Iron Priest is going to be some kind of demonic mixed unit with clawed arms and the dogs running around it. I might try to chain them up someway to him, but that might be too bulk to remove etc. As it is one big unit it might work better that way but who knows.

Now onto some pictures.

Warmachine stuff for Big Red.

Space Goat stuff. You have the finished Goat Scouts and the second Rune Priest. I decided to put them in terminator armor. It makes them look more imposing. And I can use it as Njal if I wanted too.

I am churning through a bunch of Genestealers for a Space Hulk. Aventine is doing the marines and I am busing out the genestealers. I have done 12 so far, and looking at finishing my side next week. Woot. The scheme came out pretty good so I might use it again for the upcoming Nids book.

And finally 2 Chimeras for the Spain client. I have currently painted 4 shadow grey chimeras and one inquisitor one. I plan on doing another one, 2 medusas and a Valk this week. After that it is a cool rough riders conversion and some more Storm Trooper jerks. Fun fun fun.

Next week - Look for the completed Storm Boyz squad (20 jerks), the last of the War Machine stuff. Hopefully an Iron Priest and converted Cyber Wolves. Maybe some kommandos for a new ork order as well as other random Space Goats stuff. I want to finish the second army in two weeks to be ready for a local heavy tournament. Will see.

And for those looking at this, I do have a prepainted minis store that has some converted monsters on there. Check it out.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I painted some things these last few days

The Fantasy tournament was a wash. I forgot some stuff on my DP and didn't play smart. I also missed some crucial to wound rolls to break certain armies and turn it around. Oh well it is the life of the game eh? You can't win them all haha. I think I might have to just keep on playing with my army and quit trying different builds. Unlike 40k, where I have a good knowledge of the entire spectrum of armies, fantasy I just feel like the little brother who has no idea how to perform that ultra combo. Oh well, I think if I stick with something and learn my army completely I will do better. Moving away from Gateway spam has been a big help and let me play games that are not based on 4 stupid dice rolls. Will post up my final WoC list that I plan on playing for the next few months and just keep at it.

But enough of that - the plan on Thursday to test some Njal stuff and see what fits and what doesn't. Here is one of the lists I think might do well. Njal is a power house, but if your army is full of things that are not looked at as greater then Njal, you will lose him pretty quickly to combined firepower as the game plan becomes kill the jerk. So I decided to take some of the best things of the codex and create a nice mixed list that has a lot of hitting power so the plan of keep Njal alive till turn 3 or 4 will be an easy one. Or so I hope.

2000 pt list

HQ: Njal - 245pts
HQ: Wolflord, Thunderwolf, Thunderhammer, Storm shield, Saga of the Bear - 240pts
HQ: Wolflord, Thunderwolf, Frost Axe, Saga of the Warrior -205pts
HQ: Wolflord, Thunderwolf, Powerfist, Storm Shield - 215pts
Elites: Lonewolf, Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Stormshield, Fenris Wolves (2) - 105pts
Elites: Lonewolf, Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Stormshield, Fenris Wolves (2) - 105pts
Troops: Grey Hunters (10), Meltagun (2), MoW, Rhino - 205pts
Troops: Grey Hunters (10), Meltagun (2), MoW, Rhino - 205pts
Troops: Grey Hunters (9), Meltagun, MoW, Rhino - 190pts
FA: Thunder Wolves (5), Powerfist = 280pts

1995 pts

Will this list work? Who the hell knows. I still have a place for skating LRC's that pour out the fire until you can give a decisive attack from the grey hunters, but who knows.

The 3 Wolf lords are attached to the Thunder Wolves and run up with them. Second turn they split apart and start to go towards whatever they need to hurt. Obviously the Saga of the Bear guy is for dreadnoughts and other nonsense. The two other wolf lords are designed to hit squads and vehicles at the same time too. So will see if it works. The thought is the scary Thunder wolves will take the attention away from the main meat of the army and let Njal set up and do goofy things. Will see if it works.

Now some pics. I finished up all the wolves for the regular Space Goats army I plan on playing. The list above is very similar, except I won't take Njal as I figure a regular Rune Priest is pretty dang sweet at 100 points. The unsagaed Wolf Lord gets Saga of the Wolfkin and we get some wolves to run in front of the Thunderwolves. As well as the Saga of the bear guy getting some dogs to run with him too. It becomes a much more dog heavy list and I think more fun. Will see.

But pics of stuff.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Quick one

Just finished off the first Thunderwolf squad. WIll probably have to do another squad, as I feel they will be pretty bad ass and helpful. Beyond that, put together another grey hunters squad and finished the Ork Nob Painboy on a bike for a client. Plus did another chimera like the one I will show down at the bottom.

Here is my list of stuff to paint over this next week

Grey Hunters Troop #2
Fenris Wolves (10)

Chimera #3 for new client
Start Space Hulk Genestealers
Build IG guys and paint them
If I get the other chimeras from another client start them
Paint 2 Valks.
Look at stormboyz and put some together

Fun times eh? Got a fantasy tournament this weekend and I will be playing WoC. I am tempted to play this list.

Lord: Daemon Prince, Bloody Roar, Fury of the Blood God, Lvl 4 Wizard
Hero: Chaos Sorcerer, Barded Steed, MoN, Infernal Puppet, Lvl 2
Hero: Exalted Champ, MoK, Juggernaut, BSB, Shield, Bronze Armor of Zhrakk, Glaive of Putrefaction, Favor of the Gods
Core: Marauder Horsemen, Flails
Core: Marauder Horsemen, Flailrs
Core: Marauder Horsemen, Shields, Spears
Rare: Warshrine
Rare: Hellcannon
Special: Chaos Trolls (3)
Special: Chaos Knights (5), Lances, MoS
Special: Chaos Knights (8), Full Command, War Banner, MoK

Sorc rides with the Trolls to make them "smarter" and the MoK knights ride with the Exalted. I normally take Fire or Shadow for the DP and hopefully he can survive running around and screaming at jerks. Will see how the list fares this weekend. Woot.

And now some pics.

My Rune priest for the Space Goats.

Client likes purple. I think this will be his 4 purple army.

Nob bikerz from that big order. The double PK's means he has an attack squigg. Woot.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pics of minis worked on over the weekend

Woot - look for more Nob Bikerz, chimeras, and other IG guys as well as Space goats. Woot woot the army boulder keeps on a rollin.

First of all some Space Goats or Goat Hunters.

Body is Khorne Bezerkers with goat heads and regular Ork Arms.

Next are 3 Chaos Trolls that someone else built and I traded for and painted. Based off the Skull Pass Troll.

Next batch of Nob bikerz with Big Choppas.

And a Death Guard test model.

Warmachine guy for Big Red.

What is coming up this week...

IG - Extra Guys
IG - Test Chimera
Orks - Nob Bikerz finished squad
Space Goats - LRC, 2 more Juggers, 10 Wolves
Warmachine - Finished off a small army

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Sorry for the lack of updates. Been busy trying to get my photo stuff up, build some space goats, and bust through a speedy Ork Order for a client. Fun times for sure. So this post is going to be a quick what I have painted post.

First - the rest of my week
20 Ork Shoota boyz - primed and ready to go
6 Nob Bikerz - primed and ready to go
3 Genestealers - primed and ready to go
Space Goat Jugger # 2 - primed and ready to go
Space Goat LRC - primed and ready to go

Extra IG Guys for Spain guy - pieces ready to go
Space Goat Jugger #3 & 4 - pieces
Build test Nurgle Marine - pieces

What I have done this week so far
20 Ork Shoota Boyz
3 Nob Bikerz
Space Goat Jugger # 1
Daemon Prince for painting contest
