So that means a random post in between a bunch of painting. Woohoo! Will see how much I get done. Currently this is what is in my box for today.
5 Orks - Albino's for the big shoota boyz unit
5 Old School Necron Destroyers - For the Red and white Crons for a coworker
10 Mordhiem thingies - Want to paint some up asap
5 IG guys - Again those need to get done too.
1 Random Converter Thunder Wolf Guy - Started and I want to finish it.
Will see if I can get it done. Currently with Chaos coming I am looking at doing a horde CSM army. Just as many guys as I can. Will see if it works - but it will mean I will have to paint up a ton of guys haha.
Right now - Feast Ork List
HQ: Warboss, Warbike, Attack Squig, Bosspole, Cybork Body, Power Klaw
Troops: Nobz X 10, Painboy, Cybork, Power Klaw X 3, Waagh Banner, Warbikes
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Big Shoota X 3
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota
Heavy: Big Guns X 3, Runtherd
Heavy: Big Guns X 3, Runtherd
Heavy: Big Guns X 3, Runtherd
Formation: Aegis Defense Line, Quad Gun
2000 points on the nose. My article for Monday is going to piss people off. It has some bad lists that will make people mad. I don't like them either but someone wanted me to abuse double force org and I did. Woohoo!
Other nonsense - there is an idea to do Necron/Admech with Grey Knights. That wouldn't be a terrible army to mess around with. Here is a thought - using Necrons as the main army choice.
HQ: Destroyer Lord, Weave - 140pts
Troops: Necron Warriors X 5, Night Scythe - 165pts
Troops: Necron Warriors X 5, Night Scythe - 165pts
FA: Canoptek Wraiths X 6, Whip Coil X 3 - 240pts
FA: Canoptek Wraiths X 6, Whip Coil X 3 - 240pts
Heavy: Doom Scythe - 175pts
Heavy: Doom Scythe - 175pts
Total: 1300
Grey Knight
HQ: Coteaz - 100pts
Elites: Tech Marine, Psychotroke Grenades - 105pts
Troops: GKT X 10, Psycannon X 2, Bro Banner, Psybolt, Daemon Hammer X 4, Halberd X 1 - 495pts
Total: 700pts
It seems like it might be decent - would look neat as you take a fully admech design to it. The GKT hold the center as you move up, shoot things, and move on. You could drop Coteaz for a regular Malleus Inq but he is there as the cheapest "Divination" libbie around. And if you can reroll wounds and hits that 10 man unit becomes a pain machine.
Other Combo ideas would see IG and Orks hanging out. This way you could utilize Orks death star bikes with some IG shooting and flyers. That could be good too.
I really like Deathwing as an Add on as well. Those scoring Termies are pretty hot and with the new lovely Models coming out soon we might see them added to a lot more armies. Hell speaking of those armies - that Chaos stuff is amazing. I can't wait to get ahold of them. That Hell Brute. Shit. I am looking at getting two boxes alone plus lots of other bits etc. Woohoo!
So with that in mind some art and models as well.

Nasty nasty list!
Nice piece of artwork there goat, I like it a lot.
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