Found it fun and the build and design was very rushed, so the desire to redo it is very high in my mind. In fact I did two test minis to see if I liked where my brain was going. Which I do. Argh!!! Time to figure out costs and see if it is feasible to make an army I already have into a cooler looking army. If I wasn't a stickly for not selling armies of my own, I would look at dumping off my old CSM stuff to see about funding this. But I don't wanna get rid of my models! Argh.
In other news, Daemons are done. I made 3 objectives and this army is finished. Beyond that I want to finish 5 Wolf Scouts to complete my Goats once again. From there I think it is just client work.
Current to do list
Finish Raptor/Possessed Conversions on 7 models
Build/Paint Sorcerer for the above army
Finish off 35 Hormagaunts to complete this Tyranid army
Probably yell at myself for completely the full test units for the CSM army test.
Hang out as much as I can with the Wife.
This weekend I will be seeing the Black Crowes with my wife. She loves them thus I go along. I like some of the songs but for the most part they are not my cup of tea. I like from the White Stripes style music down to weird combination with smashing two different songs together like GirlTalk and the 2 Many DJ's remix cds. Lately I have been into the Black Keys a lot too. Good ass shit.
Oh for shits and giggles the army I want to remake. My Fabius Bile CSM list
HQ: Fabius Bile
Troops: Plague Marines X 5, Meltagun X 2, Asp Champ, Powerfist, Combi-Melta, Rhino
Troops: CSM X 10, Meltagun X 2, Mark of Khorne, Asp Champ, Powerfist, Combi-Melta, Rhino
Troops: CSM X 10, Flamer X 2, Mark of Khorne, Asp Champ, Powerfist, Rhino
Troops: CSM X 10, Meltagun x 2, Mark of Slaanesh, Asp Champ, Power Weapon, Rhino
Troops: CSM X 10, Flamer X 2, Mark of Slaanesh, Asp Champ, Power Weapon, Rhino
Heavy: Obliterators X 2
Heavy: Obliterators X 2
1850 pts
And here is another Da Boyz GT thought list.
HQ: Wolf Lord, Bike, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Saga of the Bear, Wolf Tail Necklace, Runic Armor
HQ: Wolf Priest, Bike, Runic Armor
HQ: Rune Priest, Chooser of the Slain, Murderous Hurricane, Living Lightning
Elites: Wolf Scouts X 5, Mark of the Wolfen, Meltagun
Elites: Wolf Guard X 5
Wolf Guard, Power Armor, Power Weapon - Grey Hunters Squad 1
Wolf Guard, Power Armor, Power fist - Blood Claws
Wolf Guard, Power Armor, Power Weapon, Bike - Swift Claw Bike Squad
Wolf Guard, Power Armor, Mark of the Wolfen - Wolf Scouts
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor, Cyclone ML - Long Fangs
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Flamer, Mark of the Wolfen, Power Weapon, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun, Mark of the Wolfen, Power Weapon, Drop Pod
Troops: Blood Claws X 9, Power Weapon, Rhino
FA: Swift Claw Bikers X 5, Meltagun, Power Weapon, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta
FA: Speeder, Typhoon Missile Launcher
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, ML X 2, HB X 3
1850 on the nose again. A big ole pile of random stuff. I zoom zoom zoom all over the board. :). It is fun to play though as it is kinda random with cool things happening all the time. Like me losing haha.
Anyway fun times - here are those test minis. Better pics later. The Red guy has more flesh showing and will show case on a full picture etc.

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