With that in mind - here are some painting stuff!

I finished some art - need to scan it and get it colored up. I am redesigning some things for people and doing other things as usual. Will post those as they accept em.
And now my Ork list.
HQ: Ghazghul
HQ: Big Mek, Cybork Body, Kustom Force Field
Elites: Lootas X 15
Troops: Meganobz X 5, Battlewagon, Big Shoota X 2, Ard Case, Red Paint, Grot Riggas, Extra Armor, Boarding Plank
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 20, Nob, PK, Bosspole
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 20, Nob, PK, Bosspole
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 20, Nob, PK, Bosspole
FA: Deffkoptas X 3, TWL Rokkits X 3, Buzzsaw X 1
Heavy: Battlewagon, Big Shoota X 2, Ard Case, Red Paint, Grot Riggas, Extra Armor, Boarding Plank
Heavy: Battlewagon, Big Shoota X 2, Ard Case, Red Paint, Grot Riggas, Extra Armor, Boarding Plank
Heavy: Battlewagon, Big Shoota X 2, Ard Case, Red Paint, Grot Riggas, Extra Armor, Boarding Plank
I am coming at you - to punch you in the junk as hard as I can. Then get a beer and hang out. That is my plan for the Alamo. I went with - I said I wasn't going to play GK so I decided screw it, I am not playing Grey Knights. That list was neat as hell but this one will be just as fun. Plus I can use all my cool converted Meganobz. I just need to paint up one Battlewagon and come up with the Deff Rolla add on. I got bits to test - so I think it is doable. Woohoo Orks again my friend!
I will laugh when I deff rolla the f out of those Paladins I will see. Or run over the Storm Raven hehehe. Come on Dreadknight - eat some deff rolla action. Plan 13 is on its way!
For a second there I was like hey Thomas used orks as orks but then phew you brought me back to reality!
Cool idea bro!
I really like the painting on the Vargheists (err Deffcoptas?)
Jealous of your speed. Oh and I LIKE your cartoons.
Thank you for choosing to not play GK or an Imperial army. Now we have to make Nick switch to Xenos, too.
Yay! Join the abandoned Xenos Crusade! Now let's make Nick switch to Eldar or something!
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