Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Friday post!

Woohoo - Models done, stuff thought about, and life lived! AROOO!!!

Quick question - do you think people would be interested in Sadness Donut T-Shirts? I got some ideas and have been slowly adding them to Plastic Dudesmen - it is just a thought.

I am going to be playing a battle report finally for Bols on Sunday with Bushido. I plan on having fun with it so most likely throwing orks down with some nonsense. I am facing off against Abbadon so I might have some nob bikerz and then just other stuff. 2250 - dual Force Orgs and other nonsense. This is what it is looking like right now.

Current 2250 list thoughts.

HQ: Warboss, Bike, Powerklaw, Bosspole, Cybork, Attack squig - 155pts
HQ: Weirdboy, Warphead - 85pts
HQ: Mega Armored Warboss, Attack Squig, Cybork Body, Bosspole - 130pts
Elites: Lootas X 15 - 225pts
Troops: Nobz X 10, Warbikes, Painboy, Cybork Body, Power Klaw X 4, Waagh Banner - 655pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw - 250pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw - 250pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw - 250pts
FA: Dakka Jet, Supa Shoota - 120pts
FA: Dakka Jet, Supa Shoota - 120pts

2240 - woohoo.

I think the best Ally will still be IG or IG + someone. They just offer to much to all the armies that it allows each army to specialize and you can have the IG fill in the holes you need. I want to do a CSM army so bad but until that book comes out I just can't get one together. So will look at IG + GK to give a nice meaty center.

IG - Main Force
HQ: Company Command - Flamers X 4, Chimera, Heavy Flamer - 125pts
Elites: Psyker Battle Squad X 7, Chimera, Heavy Flamer - 135pts
Troops: Veterans - Meltaguns X 3, Chimera, Heavy Flamer - 155pts
Troops: Veterans - Meltaguns X 3, Chimera, Heavy Flamer - 155pts
Troops: Veterans - Plasmaguns X 3, Chimera, Heavy Flamer - 170pts
Heavy: Manticore, Camo Netting - 190pts
Heavy: Colssus, Camo Netting - 170pts

Fortification - Aegis Defense Line, Quad Gun - 100pts

GK - Detachment
HQ: Coteaz - 100pts
EliteS: Techmarine, Psychotroke Grenades, Rad Grenades - 115pts
Troops: Terminators X 10, Hammers X 4, Bro Banner, Psycannon X 2, Psybolt, Thawn, Swords X 4 - 570pts

Basically it just uses a ton of guys and gives me the Melta I need. I went with a Colossus as it can easily hurt guys behind those lovely Aegis Defense lines. I might need to get a flyer in there - Vendetta etc - but feel we will see a lot more anti of that stuff as needed. Still this is an idea using the rough center of GK to help out the IG. I went with Coteaz as he is the cheapest Librarian they have in the GK.

Alright - enough for now. Minis!

The base is built - just need to finish painting it etc. Woohoo!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Goatboy - Sunday! And I get to work tomorrow.

Yeah! You got to love reports. Blargh! Lists, lists and more lists. As usual. I play a 6th game with a coworker - lost by one VP point and it was a lot of fun. I like playing against him because he is a very raw guy and he goes into the rules - making me go into them and work them through. It will make me better in the long run for sure. I didn't play the Ork list because well - the nob bikerz are not painted. When they get done it is time to throw down with the orks!

So with that in mind - paint list.

Plastic Dudesmen - Script it (its a good one) - need to draw it tomorrow and Tuesday - the art will be neat.
Nob Bikerz - 2 More - Done!
Nob Bikerz - 2 more - need to get the deff koptas - in thoughts
Ork Warboss - In thought stage - need to get some ideas on how to build it.
2 More Charity army guys - Need to build them, convert and paint.
Secret Weapons review tank thingie

Void Bomber - it is built, primed, and hope to paint tomorrow night as the wife is out of town for a few days to see her mom
Wracks - Not sure how many - but they will get done!

10 More Mordhiem guys - Primed
10 More ? - hopefully get them done on the Tuesday

Chris C
3 or so PP Cryx guys - Need to fix, prime, etc them

That is my week's plan. I finished up another commission this week too. The small batch of 4 Ultramarine guys. It was a nice one as it let me figure out a blue I like. All of that is good so I am happy. I really like the new Demon stuff too. That will be some hot ass options for an army of all soul crushing rending monsters of doom. In fact it gives me a few interesting ideas as well. Give this list a thought.

This is not the fun happy Daemons list hehe.

HQ: Fateweaver
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 6, Unholy Might
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 6, Unholy Might
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 6, Unholy Might
Troops: Plague Bearers X 5
Troops: Pink Horrors X 5, Changling, Bolt of Tzeentch
Heavy: Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh X 3
Heavy: Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh X 3
Heavy: Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh X 3

Fortification - Aegis Defense Line, Quad Gun

Allies: Chaos Space Marines
HQ: Sorcerer, Mark of Nurgle, Winds of Chaos, Personal Icon
Troops: Plague Marines X 7, Plasma Gun X 2, Asp Champ, Combi-Plasma, Personal Icon, Rhino, Combi-Melta, Dozer Blade

This comes out 1994 - you utilize your icons, your reroll and just your annoyance to not be hurt that much. It might work? And of course this will all change most likely when the CSM book comes out. Assholes haha.

Random Necron thoughts.

HQ: Illuminor
Troops: Immortals X 5, Tesla, Night Scythe
Troops: Immortals X 5, Tesla, Night Scythe
Troops: Immortals X 5, Tesla, Night Scythe
Troops: Immortals X 5, Tesla, Night Scythe
FA: Wraiths X 6, Whip Coils X 5
FA: Wraiths X 6, Whip Coils X 5
FA: Wraiths X 6, Whip Coils X 5
Heavy: Annihilation Barge
Heavy: Annihilation Barge
Heavy: Doom Scythe

The Wraiths are there so you don't lose after turn one to a bad game of many shots etc. It is an interesting thought as you come out, zoom around and cause problems. I really like the Annihilation barges as they just put out a ton of shots. Plus you could just have the Wraiths on the board and not worry so much. Ideas and more ideas.


HQ: Warboss, Bike, Power Klaw, Bosspole, Cybork, Attack Squig
HQ: Weirdboy, Warphead
Troops: Nobz X 10, Warbikes, Painboy, Cybork, Power Klaw X 3, Waagh Banner
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 19, Rokkit X 1, Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 20, Rokkits X 2, Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota X 3
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota X 3
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota X 3
Heavy: Big Guns X 3, Runtherder
Heavy: Battle Wagon, Big Shoota X 3, Deff Rolla, Boarding Plank, Red Paint
Heavy: Battle Wagon, Big Shoota X 3, Deff Rolla, Boarding Plank, Red Paint

Formation: Aegis Defense Line, Quad Gun

You got some shooting, some flyers, and more shooting as well. Plus Deff Rollas coming your way. It might work so who knows. It is a thought - and it lets me play lots of neat stuff. I need to get my Big Guns made - thought about just having a ton of stolen Necron guns as that would be hilarious. Might test this out next week when I get a chance to play as I have most of it. Woohoo!

Alright some models and I am off to bed.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Thursday - List thoughts

List thoughts with some mini painting. Normal stuff - just looking at 6th and what kind of things we can look forward too (or dread).

Initial ork list for Feast - 2000 pts of not green orks.

HQ: Farseer, Mind War, Runes of Warding
Troops: Pathfinders X 5 - Upgrade to the better ones

HQ: Warboss, Bike, Attack Squigg, Power Klaw, Cybork, Bosspole
HQ: Warboss, Bike, Attack Squigg, Power Klaw, Cybork, Bosspole
Troops: Nobz X 10, Warbikes, Power Klaws X 3, Waagh Banner, Painboy, Cybork Body
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkit Launcha X 3, Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkit Launcha X 3, Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota X 3
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota X 3
Fortification - Aegis Defense Line, Quad-Gun

I can easily stretch the Aegis around - it isn't a building that will fall down when shot at and the Pathfinders can man the Gun if needed. Plus it feels like enough orks to do what is needed. Will see if putting in some Heavy Guns instead of the boyz might be worth it. They are cheap as crap and can really help out in the long range game - shooting things getc. Who knows - but this is where my thoughs are currently at.

Wolves look like they are pretty mean too. I have posted a lot of lists lately and of course I plan a bit more as usual haha. Let's look at a pod heavy list. It might be the time for Pods to come down from the sky and cause problems. You can help stop the Alpha Strike problem in 40k as well as push some nonsense around. Let's look at a full pod list for Wolves.

HQ: Rune Priest, JaWs, Murderous Hurricane
HQ: Rune Priest, Chooser of the Slain, Living Lightning, JaWs
Elites: WG X 10, Terminator Armor X 2, CML X 2, Combi-Plasma X 6, Powerfist X 4, Drop pod
Elites: Lone Wolf, Chainfist, Storm Shield
Elites: Lone Wolf, Chainfist, Storm Shield
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Plasmagun, Wolf Standard, Drop Pod
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Plasmagun, Wolf Standard, Drop Pod
Troops: Grey Hunters X 9, Plasmagun, Wolf Standard, Drop Pod
Troops: Grey Hunters X 9, Plasmagun, Wolf Standard, Drop Pod
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun X 2, Power Axe, Mark of the Wolfen, Wolf Standard, Drop Pod
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun X 2, Power Axe, Mark of the Wolfen, Wolf Standard, Drop Pod

This looks to be a mean list with tons of guys - some annoying bits in the Lone Wolves with Chainfists, and other nonsense. Will it work? Who the hell knows either way it will cover the table in assholes.

Once I get the full new Daemon rules look for some armies for them too. Shit making me want to buy more things.

Hopefully I can get a game on Saturday or Sunday. Life has been a bit meh - not me personally but family stuff so it isn't the best. All I can say is I am glad that life is ok enough for me and my wife right now - money is ok, job is ok, and our relationship is good. I hope everyone else is doing good as well. If it wasn't for this game and my friends I have gotten from throwing dice around my life would be a little less full. I can only thank my wife for putting up with my plastic crack addiction heh.

Paint list so far this week and where I am at.

Plastic Dudesmen - Drawn, Colored - Need to tweak dialogue
Tweak 3++ logo - Done!
New Warboss - Got an idea - I have to find the pieces to build his body out.
2 Test Nobz on Jetbikes - Done!
"Blue" Farseer Ork - Done! - yes blue orks can't be trusted by the Reds - he messes with the warp
Test Ork Pathfinder - Done! Pics below!
Pain boy on Bike - Done! Pics Below

Luke B
Librarian - Done!
Termie Sarge - Done! Did it a bit ago - nice jump in style for me so I am happy.

Void Bomber - Need to build, base, and paint up - want to do by the weekend to finish off this

Luis P
20 More Mordhiem Bits - Built - Paint 10 - Below - Another 10 are primed.

Chris C
Cryx guys - Initial Batch done!

Some review stuff to get and do - want to start doing more indie reviews that way we can help get people to look at give a chance to sell. Lots of sweet stuff out there - first one will be about bases most likely.
Also another article cuz I am a boss! - Got the idea - need to write it.

Charity guys
Need to finish some more Nurgle guys - Started the next 2. Woohoo and it looks like the date is getting pushed back - thank Jebus.

Paint images!

My Pathfinders. Hehe - blue Gretchin. They don't trust em and they are extra smart.

Painboy as well. These bikers are looking hot.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Alright - Back on Track!

Woohoo - back to painting and back to getting my ass in gear with 6th nonsense. Tons of shiznit! I am working on my Feast list (initial one depending on if Chaos comes out in time). So with that in mind - let's begin this with the paint list. I already started today so life is good!

Plastic Dudesmen - script idea is in - so time to draw
Tweak 3++ logo - I will show the initial design and its time I tweaked it
New Warboss - Got an idea - I have to find the pieces to build his body out.
2 Test Nobz on Jetbikes - Done!
"Blue" Farseer Ork - Done! - yes blue orks can't be trusted by the Reds - he messes with the warp
Test Ork Pathfinder - Started building

Void Bomber - Need to build, base, and paint up - want to do by the weekend to finish off this

Luis P
20 More Mordhiem Bits - Built - need to prime and paint

Chris C
Cryx guys - 5 Styx witches? - Done except for the special base
3 More Witches - Need to fix, add to the base and magically paint - this will finish off the first lot

Some review stuff to get and do - want to start doing more indie reviews that way we can help get people to look at give a chance to sell. Lots of sweet stuff out there - first one will be about bases most likely.
Also another article cuz I am a boss!

Charity guys
Need to finish some more Nurgle guys - I got 2 built and primed - finished one but need to get the base fixed.

So that is it for the paint list. I am sure other things will get dumped on. I always add more haha. Beyond all of this so far 6th seems interesting. The biggest thing I feel is that everything needs to be played to make the game work. It is a pain at times but everything needs to activate. Dual force orgs, allies, weird shit, and everything else. Without this stuff certain armies get too good and this so called wacky shit will fix that. So will see what the tournaments end up becoming.

Currently 2000 thought list.

HQ: Warboss, Bike, Klaw, Attack Squig, Cybork Body, Bosspole
HQ: Warboss, Bike, Klaw, Attack Squig, Cybork Body, Bosspole
Troops: Nobz X 10, Warbikes, Painboy, Cybork, Power Klaw X 5, Waagh Banner
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota
Heavy: Kannons X 3

Allies - Eldar (blue Orks)
HQ: Farseer, Fortune, Runes of Warding
Troops: Pathfinders X 5

That is the initial thoughts on a list to test with. Will see if it works. It's a lot of Klaws so I am not sure if that is worth it. So will see.

If not that I can do some interesting Wolves stuff. I will post about them this week. I got some thoughts - not sure if the 4 Rune Priests are good or if just two and utilizing some Thunder Wolf Punch. In fact I think that might do good as getting those jerks into combat will wreck some people as well with 40 Grey Hunters coming to the party. The other idea is using some Fortifications and Drop Pods to do some damage. That might be good too.

Alright some models to look at.

I also saw Batman. It was alright. I like all the pieces that went into the stew but I think the stew cooked for too long. I don't know - something just bugs me about it. I think it is because I didn't like Batman himself and just enjoyed the other characters more. Catwoman was great, Bane was cool, and everyone else was great. I think I just really started to not like Bruce at all. He was acting turd like. But oh well - it was still fun even if it needed 25 minutes cut out of it. Too much fat!

I also so John Carter of Mars. That was a lot of fun and worth seeing if you get the chance. I am also watching the new Avatar stuff and that is funny as hell. Good stuff indeed.

Enough for now - I am off to bed.

Monday, July 16, 2012

I made it back from ATC

My last 5th edition tournament and it ended with a bang with Wrecking BOLS taking the top place again. We won some awesome trophies. In fact - I need to talk to the maker about some Wargames Con stuff hehe.

So with that out of the way - it is on to 6th Edition. In the coming weeks I plan on busting out some list thoughts - utilizing some of the new things within 6th Edition. My biggest thing is just the looming CSM codex coming so it is hard for me to really start brewing until that book comes out and I can think what I need to bring to Feast of Blades and then Da Boyz after that.

Before we get into that - a big thanks to Paul Murphy. Great guy who put me up for 2 nights and dealt with my crazy ass during the weekend. And a big ups to Casey who brought in some bad ass Nids for the event as well. Rob doesn't suck to bad either and as usual Kenny was the master of the 3++.

Lord did my lovely BOLS article garner some hate. I know I will never meet these guys because they would obviously never come to any event to play "competitive" 40k, let alone have the balls to come up to me. I should just create a "how to give Goatboy shit" program to spit out the comments needed on any of my articles. But heck it gives Larry some hits so that is good.

So much of the time I question a lot of people's "mental" state when they get so upset at an opinion on the internet. I guess I come from the opinion that only two opinions matter in my life to get pissed off enough about (there is a 3rd but I haven't had one yet so it is just 2 for now). The number 1 thing is my wife's as she makes me happy and can take half my stuff. The other is my boss's because he can fire me and I have to sell half my stuff. If I think you are dumb you won't change my mind. But oh well - I will just continue giving the majority a nice bit of enjoyment as they read the comments.

I should have some 40k podcast discussions coming up soon. If my squirrel brain can remember to turn on skype during those times I should show up. Hopefully I can keep my fbombs at bay as I can get a bit cheeky.

Sorry for the lack of pictures and a paint update. I just got back today and I don't have anything in my paint box built right now. I plan on getting some stuff done this weekend inbetween a 6th game or two. Most likely some more small things and the Dark Eldar Void Bomber that is sitting in pieces. I need to clean it - convert bits of it a bit, and then wave my magical goat hand to finish it off.

Shit - here is a list thought for Orks.

Warboss, Bike, Powerklaw, Bosspole, Cybork Body, Attack Squig
Warboss, Bike, Powerklaw, Bosspole, Cybork Body, Attack Squig
Nobz X 10, Bikes, Cybork, Painboy, Waagh Banner, Powerklaw X 3
Shoota Boyz X 30, Big Shoota X 3, Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole
Shoota Boyz X 30, Big Shoota X 3, Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole
Dakkajet, Supa Shoota
Dakkajet, Supa Shoota
Dakkajet, Supa Shoota

Farseer, Runes of Warding, Fortune
Rangers X 5, Pathfinder

It comes out to 2000 pts - so for the 1999 + 1 or 1997 + 3 events out there this might be the ticket. It's mean, it covers the table and I can take advantage of the flyers. The Dakkajets act as lootas on most things as I really just want to eat off hull points most of the time.

Another 2 list thoughts - this time wolves. It is a return of Thunder Wolf Armageddon with a sneaky sneak. Might explain it next week on BOLS.

Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Runic Armor, Wolf Tail Talisman, Powerfist, Storm Shield
Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Runic Armor, Wolf Tail Talisman, Thunder Hammer, Sage of the Bear, Storm Shield
Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Runic Armor, Wolf Tail Talisman, Wolftooth Necklace, Powerfist, Storm Shield
Rune Priest, JaWs, Living Lightning
Wolf Guard X 3, Combi-Melta X 1, Combi-Plasma X 2, Powerfist X 3
Grey Hunters X 9, Mark of the Wolfen, Wolf Standard, Meltagun, Rhino, Dozerblade
Grey Hunters X 8, Mark of the Wolfen, Wolf Standard, Plasmagun, Rhino, Dozerblade
Grey Hunters X 8, Mark of the Wolfen, Wolf Standard, Plasmagun, Rhino, Dozerblade
Fenris Wolves X 10
Long Fangs X 5, Missile Launcher X 4
Long Fangs X 5, Missile Launcher X 4
Long Fangs X 5, Missile Launcher X 4

Comes out to 1999 as well. This one has some neat tricks and it is set up to do some funny turn 2 nonsense.

This is the Rune Priest onclave I thought about as well.

Rune Priest, Meltabombs, JaWs, Murderous Hurricane
Rune Priest, Chooser of the Slain, Living Lightning, JaWs
Rune Priest, Chooser of the Slain, Meltabombs, Living Lightning, Murderous Hurricane
Rune Priest, Tempest Wrath, JaWs
Wolf Guard X 6, Combi-Plasma X 2, Combi-Melta X 2, Powerfist X 2, Terminator Armor, CML, Drop Pod
Wolf Guard X 6, Combi-Plasma X 2, Combi-Melta X 2, Powerfist X 2, Terminator Armor, CML, Drop Pod
Grey Hunters X 10, Plasmagun X 2, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wolfen
Grey Hunters X 10, Plasmagun X 2, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wolfen
Grey Hunters X 10, Plasmagun X 2, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wolfen
Grey Hunters X 10, Plasmagun X 2, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wolfen
Long Fangs X 6, ML X 5
Long Fangs X 6, ML X 5

Comes out to 1981 which means I can add some other random things - like Meltabombs on the suicide WG. I could also set them up to be 2 Combi-Melta and 1 Combi-Plasma (DIE MEPHISTON DIE!) Plus I cover the table in nonsense. And I can JaWs out Nob Bikerz, Paladins, etc, and have suicide guys who are there to go get the Farseer or whatever else might be bothering me.

So yeah - some 6th edition thoughts - woohoo!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sunday? I am going to work in less then 8 hrs.

I had to work Sunday as a swap day so I could be at the ATC this next weekend. That is right - I will be there and ready to play my last few games of 5th. Lord it will be a bit surreal as I try to keep the rules apart haha. That is the biggest thing. Plus I hopefully get to meet some new people and just have a good time. In fact that is all I really care about most of the time.

Blah to those comments on BOLS. I will stop when it stops amusing me to do the articles and comics. If they don't like it - fine. If no one likes it at all then that is ok too. Really all that matters is I like it enough to put the effort in drawing the comics and Wyatt puts the effort in writing them up. Same with my articles. And really the same with people saying I am obnoxious without meeting me. It is humorous to read those comments. Hell these awesome guys I sat next too during Wargames Con - Guerrilla Studios - Zak said his friend told him to give me some shit. Haha - I was like awesome - at the very least he wanted to get a mean note to me hehe. Of course Zak is like - dude doesn't suck as we made sure he got some good food in Austin heh. Oh well - I can't win them all right?

I have gotten 2 games of 6th in. I will see about getting a 3rd in Atlanta next week and then more the following week as I test out different things. I think will see a lot of Farseer's and then people will take Njal a lot. I prefer Njal due to the ability to say no to things and then get a Deny the Witch roll as well. The more chances you get the better. I want to see what Chaos brings to the table but if FW hits - the Epidemius Ally will be hot.

Think of this.

Epidemius - 110pts
5 Plague Bearers - 75pts

That always comes in turn 1 and you can start the fun. Now if FW is allowed then we get Marked Vehicles to hurt things with.

From there - let's add in the two things of hotness for now.

Sorcerer, MoS, Lash of Submission - 125pts
Sorcerer, MoS, Lash of Submission - 125pts
Plague Marines X 14, Plasma Gun X 2, Asp Champ, Powerfist, Combi-Plasma, Personal Icon - 407pts
Plague Marines X 14, Plasma Gun X 2, Asp Champ, Powerfist, Combi-Plasma, Personal Icon - 407pts

That hits at 1249pts right there - and if we get some FW loving we could look at Blight Drones, Contemptors, and maybe even Decimators. This way we have some Long Range punch as well as a chance to hurt some things. Heck let's look at this?

Decimator, MoN, Butcher Cannon - 170pts
Decimator, MoN, Butcher Cannon - 170pts

I really don't like the army set up with fat squads of 14 - but it will take awhile to chew through them. The Decimators should give enough long range fire to hit vehicles as needed and maybe knock off some Hull points. Plus the Plague Marines will be annoying as all hell. It is a thought - but it will take the next book to really decide.

Blargh - if FW comes my wallet will hurt a lot. Bastards.

Models done. - Woohoo - look for more stuff for Luis done tomorrow as I sit around and work. Or check tickets - or do what needs to get done haha.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Woohoo - Thursday?

First of all - I hope your 4th was good. I got a game of 6th under my belt. It was a small one and some reserves messed up for my opponent - but it was still interesting. The only major issue I have had is I think the wound allocation that we are seeing is going against what they wanted. i just hope they say exactly how it is supposed to work in the next White Dwarf. Will see. I will talk more about it on my Monday post.

I got ATC next week - and I sent my list in. It is the same one I talked about - simple, basic and I just don't really care much about the final gasps of 6th edition. In fact I am glad it is gone. Woohoo! I was tired of some of the nonsense and overall bickering the end of the edition pooped out on. So here is hoping Chaos and 6th get me excited.

Here is the list I plan on bringing to game night tonight. It is a shift from my normal boxes of doom and I want to try and put a damper on some of the psychic nonsense we keep seeing. 1850 as I think that is as high as we should go for a bit.

Space Wolves/Goats/Blah suck it!

HQ: Njal, Runic Terminator Armor
Elites: Wolf Guard X 10
WG 1 - Power Armor, Combi-Flamer, Powerfist
WG 2 - Power Armor, Combi-Melta, Powerfist - 2 of these guys
WG 3 - Power Armor, Combi-Plasma, Powerfist
WG 4 - Terminator Armor, Cyclone Missile Launcher - 2 of these guys
WG 5 - Terminator Armor, Storm Shield, Chainfist - 2 of these guys
WG 6 - Terminator Armor
WG 7 - Arjac
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Flamer X 2, Wolf Standard
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Plasma Gun X 2, Wolf Standard
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun X 2, Wolf Standard
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun X 2, Wolf Standard
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, Missile Launchers X 5
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, Missile Launchers X 5

Basic and simple. The idea is to push the super mini unit around as Njal does dumb stuff and cause issues for Eldar players and whatever else I face. Nob Bikerz are the new boogie man and I hope with JAWS and other nonsense I can take them apart as needed. Plus Arjac squishes MF's dead dead dead. I might need to get some Lascannons in there too so will see.

I think Wolves are one of the few books that don't need anyone's else help. The only thing we are missing is flyers so hopefully we can get some Storm Talons in the future. Will see. Heck this army could just swap to Chaos when the new book comes out.

Other thoughts for allies - even though they hate each other this is always a mean little combo.

5 Grey Hunters. Hide them out - and just utilize his 3+ No no option as needed.

Right now I am not sure where I want to go with my orks. The massed horde with 3 Dakka jets sound hot as the game will move away from boxes of doom dominating the battle field. I might have to add a small sprinkling of Nob bikerz to compete so will see.

Maybe something like this.

HQ: Warboss, Warbike, Cybork, Power Klaw, Bosspole, Attack Squig
HQ: Weirdboy, Warphead
Troops: Nobz X 10, Bikerz, Painboy, Cybork, Power Klaw X 4, Waagh Banner
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkit Launcha X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw, Eavy Armor
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 20, Rokkit Launcha X 2, Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw, Eavy Armor
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota X 3
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota X 3
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota X 3
Heavy: Battle Wagon, Deff Rolla, Rokkit Launcha X 4, Boarding Plank, Red Paint, Grot Riggas

1850 on the Nose and something else I want to test out as well. If it goes up to 1999 then you can add Figher Ace or maybe find a way to tweak to get another Battle Wagon to run around. Still it is interesting options.

Also the Weirdboy will auto hit with his 36 inch range melta - so those high flyers might get zzapped out of the sky as needed.

So yeah - that is where my brain is at right now - thinking of things to play with in the new 6th Edition.

Oh yeah - some models too.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Goatboy - Sunday

I am going to post up some completed minis and then a new paint list for the week. With 6th edition rolling around I saw a few things that interested me in the FAQ. First of all - looks like Wolves are doing pretty well with 6th edition. In fact - I think that will see a lot of Counts As Rune Priest hanging out with whatever army can have them.

The Rune Priest is the only true "counter" to Psychic powers that are left right now. A 4+ within 24 inches will stop a lot of the psychic shenanigans that we will see, especially with the massed idea that regular Eldar makes things awesome. In fact - Let's say we just get the following in any army.

HQ: Rune Priest - 2 Powers if you want or 2 random ones - 100pts
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozer Blade - 170pts
Heavy: Long Fangs X 5, Missile Launcher X 4 = 115pts

Total = 385pts

You get an annoying troop, some good long range support (you can change them to lascannons too or a mix - you got points), and one of the best HQ options still in the game.

Hell if you don't want to go Psychic Heavy you could also just go with some beat down with TWC too. That could be spicy. Or heck a nice little old gem in the Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf, + Super Dogs combo that sits at 165 pts. I hope Chaos gives me some love in the new book or the Goats will end up staying as Space Wolves most of the time. I am sure I will find something neat in that book.

Today I am going to try and get a 1000 point game in for a BOLS video of 6th. This is what I plan on bringing with some painted Orks.

HQ: Weirdboy, Warphead
HQ: Weirdboy, Warphead
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 25, Rokkit Launchas X 2, Nob, Bosspole, Powerklaw
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 25, Rokkit Launchas X 2, Nob, Bosspole, Powerklaw
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota X 1
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota X 1
Heavy: Killa Kans X 3, Megablastas X 3

That is what I want to test with. Should be fun and I will probably lose everything rather quickly hehe.

This is what I am bringing to the ATC. Or the initial list.

HQ: Draigo
Elites: Ven Dread, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Elites: Ven Dread, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Troops: Paladin X 1
Troops: Paladin X 10, Psycannon X 4, Bro Banner, MC Weapon X 2, Halberds X 3, Warding Stave X 1, Daemon Hammer X 2, Apocathery
Heavy: Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator, Daemon Hammer, Personal Teleporter
Heavy: Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator, Daemon Hammer, Personal Teleporter

They will all be evil and I just want to finish my games fast. No nutty grenades (I tried, would need to drop the Apoc and really with the way ATC is I can get good matchups for it), lots of bullets, and quality options. It will probably not work but it will be fast.

Oh yeah - finally paint list.

Plastic Dudesmen - Got a basic idea - 6th related joke. I think it will be funny
3 Killa Kans - Built
Maybe Skorne battle box - Will see

1 Raider - Need to fix, magnetize then prime etc
1 Bomber - Need to get on a base then paint

Mordhiem + Many guys probably
IG - More guys

Chris C
More random Cryx stuff.

So yeah - will probably fill the week with more things so will see.
