My last 5th edition tournament and it ended with a bang with Wrecking BOLS taking the top place again. We won some awesome trophies. In fact - I need to talk to the maker about some Wargames Con stuff hehe.
So with that out of the way - it is on to 6th Edition. In the coming weeks I plan on busting out some list thoughts - utilizing some of the new things within 6th Edition. My biggest thing is just the looming CSM codex coming so it is hard for me to really start brewing until that book comes out and I can think what I need to bring to Feast of Blades and then Da Boyz after that.
Before we get into that - a big thanks to Paul Murphy. Great guy who put me up for 2 nights and dealt with my crazy ass during the weekend. And a big ups to Casey who brought in some bad ass Nids for the event as well. Rob doesn't suck to bad either and as usual Kenny was the master of the 3++.
Lord did my lovely BOLS article garner some hate. I know I will never meet these guys because they would obviously never come to any event to play "competitive" 40k, let alone have the balls to come up to me. I should just create a "how to give Goatboy shit" program to spit out the comments needed on any of my articles. But heck it gives Larry some hits so that is good.
So much of the time I question a lot of people's "mental" state when they get so upset at an opinion on the internet. I guess I come from the opinion that only two opinions matter in my life to get pissed off enough about (there is a 3rd but I haven't had one yet so it is just 2 for now). The number 1 thing is my wife's as she makes me happy and can take half my stuff. The other is my boss's because he can fire me and I have to sell half my stuff. If I think you are dumb you won't change my mind. But oh well - I will just continue giving the majority a nice bit of enjoyment as they read the comments.
I should have some 40k podcast discussions coming up soon. If my squirrel brain can remember to turn on skype during those times I should show up. Hopefully I can keep my fbombs at bay as I can get a bit cheeky.
Sorry for the lack of pictures and a paint update. I just got back today and I don't have anything in my paint box built right now. I plan on getting some stuff done this weekend inbetween a 6th game or two. Most likely some more small things and the Dark Eldar Void Bomber that is sitting in pieces. I need to clean it - convert bits of it a bit, and then wave my magical goat hand to finish it off.
Shit - here is a list thought for Orks.
Warboss, Bike, Powerklaw, Bosspole, Cybork Body, Attack Squig
Warboss, Bike, Powerklaw, Bosspole, Cybork Body, Attack Squig
Nobz X 10, Bikes, Cybork, Painboy, Waagh Banner, Powerklaw X 3
Shoota Boyz X 30, Big Shoota X 3, Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole
Shoota Boyz X 30, Big Shoota X 3, Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole
Dakkajet, Supa Shoota
Dakkajet, Supa Shoota
Dakkajet, Supa Shoota
Farseer, Runes of Warding, Fortune
Rangers X 5, Pathfinder
It comes out to 2000 pts - so for the 1999 + 1 or 1997 + 3 events out there this might be the ticket. It's mean, it covers the table and I can take advantage of the flyers. The Dakkajets act as lootas on most things as I really just want to eat off hull points most of the time.
Another 2 list thoughts - this time wolves. It is a return of Thunder Wolf Armageddon with a sneaky sneak. Might explain it next week on BOLS.
Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Runic Armor, Wolf Tail Talisman, Powerfist, Storm Shield
Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Runic Armor, Wolf Tail Talisman, Thunder Hammer, Sage of the Bear, Storm Shield
Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Runic Armor, Wolf Tail Talisman, Wolftooth Necklace, Powerfist, Storm Shield
Rune Priest, JaWs, Living Lightning
Wolf Guard X 3, Combi-Melta X 1, Combi-Plasma X 2, Powerfist X 3
Grey Hunters X 9, Mark of the Wolfen, Wolf Standard, Meltagun, Rhino, Dozerblade
Grey Hunters X 8, Mark of the Wolfen, Wolf Standard, Plasmagun, Rhino, Dozerblade
Grey Hunters X 8, Mark of the Wolfen, Wolf Standard, Plasmagun, Rhino, Dozerblade
Fenris Wolves X 10
Long Fangs X 5, Missile Launcher X 4
Long Fangs X 5, Missile Launcher X 4
Long Fangs X 5, Missile Launcher X 4
Comes out to 1999 as well. This one has some neat tricks and it is set up to do some funny turn 2 nonsense.
This is the Rune Priest onclave I thought about as well.
Rune Priest, Meltabombs, JaWs, Murderous Hurricane
Rune Priest, Chooser of the Slain, Living Lightning, JaWs
Rune Priest, Chooser of the Slain, Meltabombs, Living Lightning, Murderous Hurricane
Rune Priest, Tempest Wrath, JaWs
Wolf Guard X 6, Combi-Plasma X 2, Combi-Melta X 2, Powerfist X 2, Terminator Armor, CML, Drop Pod
Wolf Guard X 6, Combi-Plasma X 2, Combi-Melta X 2, Powerfist X 2, Terminator Armor, CML, Drop Pod
Grey Hunters X 10, Plasmagun X 2, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wolfen
Grey Hunters X 10, Plasmagun X 2, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wolfen
Grey Hunters X 10, Plasmagun X 2, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wolfen
Grey Hunters X 10, Plasmagun X 2, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wolfen
Long Fangs X 6, ML X 5
Long Fangs X 6, ML X 5
Comes out to 1981 which means I can add some other random things - like Meltabombs on the suicide WG. I could also set them up to be 2 Combi-Melta and 1 Combi-Plasma (DIE MEPHISTON DIE!) Plus I cover the table in nonsense. And I can JaWs out Nob Bikerz, Paladins, etc, and have suicide guys who are there to go get the Farseer or whatever else might be bothering me.
So yeah - some 6th edition thoughts - woohoo!
I like your Wolfmageddon list greatly and have been toying with the idea; however, instead of taking the Codex Powers, I've been trying out the Book Powers, so far I'm pretty impressed.
Also, have to say, after a few games of 6th, I'm leaning towards an in your face slogging army with Arjac and Njal. I figure I can put those 2 in a unit so that if anyone challenges Njal, Arjac will be there to keep him safe and Arjac can challenge any nasties that may threaten Njal (i.e. fist Sgt.).
Finally, I have to say it was great to meet you and play you this weekend. If anyone calls you a WAAC douche, I have to say they have no idea who you are. You may make lists that are a swift kick in the nuts but you make it have a life all of its own with characterful models and a sense of humor that could make statues crack a smile.
Thanks for the kind words. So much of the time it's people that would never give going to an event a try. But really who am I to say how to play this game?
Which army were you this weekend? Did you kick my teeth in?
Hey man. It never ceases to amaze me that people who consider themselves 'casual' players take the game so seriously, and make so much effort to pull you down for enjoying the game your own way. In any event man, wanted to let you know that I enjoyed the article, and I was sad that packing for a move to Denver kept me from rolling down to ATC for a chance to throw down against you guys with my local team. Here's hoping I can land a match against you at Feast of Blades man.
I got fed up writing the Space Wolves blog for the same reasons.
"What can men do against such reckless hate?" - Theoden
I got a load of stick on the SW Facebook group as well, so I invited people to challenge me to a game. I'd take on anyone.
Suddenly all 30 commenters fell silent. What a shocker...
I was your first opponent of the weekend. Name's Daniel and I had the double Raven list. We ended up drawing in about 45 minutes.
Hehe I was happy to survive your list haha.
Thomas, you are the real deal man. Genuine, fun loving and always have a positive attitude. I was honored to have played along side you.
Btw, please tell Nick I was honored to take up his slot as well. Truly big shoes to fill...
Casey we couldn't have won it without you. You kicked ass for sure.
Gotta say Casey, my team mate Andrew had nothing but great things to say about you and the ass handing you gave him.
Goatboy, I think if I had made 1 or 2 different decisions, the game would have been not as close as either one of us liked; however, as you said draws are the best kind of games because no one walks away a loser.
Great job Thomas !!! I'm very impressed !
2 X !! 2X !!
Awesome !!!
Congrats on your win at the ATC as always very relaxed and fun game at the end. Just what I needed after the long weekend. Sorry your dice betrayed you so much....
Good to see you again and congrats on the win. I'll have to try to make it to Wargames Con next year and maybe, just maybe we will get a game in.
Thomas (the big tall guy!)
Post article on BOLS ? RAGE!!
People take this game too seriously.
Quick question on the Wolfmageddon list: Would you think it worth it to drop a squad of Long Fangs to grab an Aegis line for AA as well as guaranteed good cover for your Long Fangs?
That is the best thought in my mind on it. If you think that the missiles and everything else won't stop the flyers etc. I do see some games ending turn 1 as you drop in, kill what is the on the table, and the game ends as flyers don't come in.
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