But enough of that, you want to see some stuff eh?
First - The 3 VC characters - the one with the banner is on a Iron Halo base, which we are going to start offering for clients in the future.

More for the orks - Ghaz and Snikrot

And a better picture of the Arbites from awhile ago.

Fun times indeed.
Future plans for this week
Finish banner for a client
Orks - Chris Rocke
Finish BW top bits - big shootas and top cover - wagon is done
10 Meganobz - getting them in today or tomorrow - finish them by the weekend, similar scheme to Ghaz
Finish BW coming in that is primed with Meganobz shipment
Me - Woot!
Finish 3 Knights from WOC
Add Chaos Lord to right base for Daemonic Steed (Fits better)
Put together 5 Terminators
Coming Weeks
IG - Luis
Get pieces purchased to give to painters and start
IG - Finish Cody project
20 Guys
5 Command guys
Orks - Chris Rocke
15 Kommandos
1 more BW
3 Deff Koptas
Converted Warboss on Bike/Kopta
And whatever else is sent
Will - High Elves
2 Lion Chariots (might get at them this week, but looking like not due to rush jobs)
And other High Elf stuff
Me -
Finish board for Bolscon
IG - Death Korps
In talks with this commission - will see.
Woot - busy times for me eh?
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