Ork - Wave of Metal!!!
HQ: Ghaz
HQ: Big Mek, Field
Elites: 5 Meganobz
Transport: Trukk
Elites: 5 Meganobz
Transport: Trukk
Troops: Nobz (6), Painboy, Cybork, Waagh, Kombi-Skorcha (2), Power Klaw (3)
Transport: Battle Wagon, Big Shoota (2), Ram
Troops: 19 Boyz, Big Shoota (2), Nob, Bosspole, PK
Troops: 19 Boyz, Big Shoota (2), Nob, Bosspole, PK
Troops: 19 Boyz, Big Shoota (2), Nob, Bosspole, PK
Heavy: Battlewagon, Big Shoota (2), Ram
Heavy: Battlewagon, Big Shoota (2), Ram
Heavy: Battlewagon, Big Shoota (2), Ram
Bile - 2.0 whatever
HQ: Fabius Bile
HQ: Kharn
Elites: Possessed (7), MoT, Asp Champ, Rhino
Troops: Plague Marines (5), Plasma Gun (2), Personal Icon, Rhino
Troops: Plague Marines (5), Plasma Gun (2), Personal Icon, Rhino
Troops: Plague Marines (5), Melta Gun (2), Perosnal Icon, Rhino
Troops: CSM (10), MoK, Bile Upgrade, Melta Gun (2), Asp Champ, Pwr Fist, Rhino
Troops: CSM (10), MoK, Bile Upgrade, Melta Gun (2), Asp Champ, Pwr Fist, Rhino
Heavy: Obliterators (3)
Might drop one plasma plague marine squad for lesser daemons, but who knows. First list needs BW and converted 5 man meganob squad, the other needs well... Not to be something I am playing.
Oh and threw random chat I came up with my Marine armies name (hoping it makes me finish them) - the Fistas!!! They are imperial fists. Hehe.
Pics and other bits.

I love the defkoptas, but what caught my attention is the last one wht is is, i see parts from the defkopta, it is a biker?
It is great work.
Absolutely love the defkoptas!
It is a warboss on a bike. And it floats above the base a little bit. Because obviously as big as the guy is, he couldn't fly high haha.
The deff koptas are magnetized to the stands, makes it less likely to break etc and easier to transport.
Good stuff man. I am working on a super heavy Ork list myself (5BW variety). And its good that we will see some more comics in the future. 5 or so years ago I remember reading BBMA, then losing it when I rejoined the service. It was funny to find out that you and the comic were one and the same a few months back. Anyway, great looking stuff as always. Later bro.
haha thanks for the comment. I have so many BBMA's laying around. I've just not felt the ire for tech support in awhile (even though I still work it haha). Glad you liked it though. Will see if I can get my battle wagon army moving around :).
That Ork list is similar to a list that someone at my local game store is currently using with 40 meganobs and 4 battlewagons. He's kicking everyone's rump with it.
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