As some of you know, last year I broke my ankle pretty bad. Popped it off and it was hanging on the side like a meat sausage full of bone and gross bits. It got fixed, 6 months later I was able to walk alright and slowly jog. Fun times. Now of course I am messing around in the backyard to clean shit up, and I accidentally roll the bad ankle. I scream, cuss, etc but it feels alright enough and I continue on. It hurts, but not bad. Then of course I do it fucking again. Screw the back yard I am coming inside. It hurts like hell, but isn't swelling so I think I just really pissed it off. I can walk slow, so it should be good by the middle of the week. You don't know how scary it is to look up and see your ankle hanging there not attached right. But oh well - and if you want the story of how, come ask me during Bolscon.
But enough of that - this week I did a lot of cool shit. Finished 10 meganobz and a BW for the ork army to add to the Ghaz as well as snikrot and extra BW. Fun times. Shit I am becoming a machine with ork stuff. Beyond that I did some art stuff for a banner as well put together some Chaos Termies and 3 more Chaos Warrior Knights for this week for me. Fun times to get to work on some of my stuff :).
The rest of the week will be some shoota boyz, maybe some marines and looking at starting up and finishing some IG stuff for an upcoming client. I was asked about some necron stuff, so look for that too. Other FOM guys are doing some FW Ork Warboss when it comes in and a Lysander at Tier 3. Hope to get some pics of that as soon as they get in :).

Dumbass. Stop breaking yourself.
Hahaha no shit. I yelled at myself and more pissed at my own idiocy. Fun times indeed.
Ouch! Gotta be careful-- don't want to be on crutches for the wedding!
Gotta say, I'm becoming a real fan of your painting style. You're painting armies, not individuals. My question is, are you applying your traditional canvas techniques to miniatures?
Thanks in advance - Brent
You can't go killing yourself before owe me a beer!
The models look great. The style is good, orkz are fun, and I must say that in terms of assembly and amount of bitz and gubbinz, the Battlewagon has to be one of the best that GW has ever put out.
Layering - that is what I bring from my fine art background. Layering and using slightly non opaque shades to create different colors and effects. Makes it look more realistic and the army looks like they have been through hell :).
You talked about that before - layering colors, and how the layers would bleed through to create effects... these are my words, not yours. Without getting too long winded, I'm not sure I understand how all that works.
Did you ever post a primer somewhere?
Not yet, looking at doing one soon for Bols as well as this blog. Just to get into how i layer colors and use washes to get the desired effects. I need to start creating my own washes, as a test to see if I can get some weird effects etc. Fun times
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