More Elysiums - 2 command squads and 2 more drop squads to finish out this initial bit. More are coming in. They look like Judge Dread guys
Typhus - Got him based and will be working up colors on him more and more.
Command Squad - Bike army - the red fists or some kinda of nonsense like that
Attack Bike - Bike army
That is the list of stuff for this week. Probably mix some orks in there too. Will see.
Beyond that I am still working on Marine bike lists in my head. I will build out the army and then will see how it goes from there.
Here is an all bike all the time list using Khan. I'm taking Khan because well - I can yell Khan. A good opponent will not be over run by outflank, so it really is just about making a Khan like bike guy for my Red fists squad. And outflank can be randomly neato.
HQ: KHAN!!! + Bike - 205pts
Command Squad: 5 Guys, Bikes, Meltagun (2), Powerfist (2) - 275pts
HQ: Commander, Bike, Relic Blade, Storm Shield, Digital Weapons - 190pts
Command Squad: 5 Guys, Bikes, Meltagun (2), Powerfist (2) - 275pts
Troops: 5 Bikers, Flamers (2), Powerfist, Attack Bike, MM - 225pts
Troops: 5 Bikers, Flamers (2), Powerfist, Attack Bike, MM - 225pts
Troops: 5 Bikers, Flamers (2), Powerfist, Attack Bike, MM - 225pts
Troops: 5 Bikers, Flamers (2), Powerfist, Attack Bike, MM - 225pts
FA: Land Speeder, MM, Hvy Flamer - 70pts
FA: Land Speeder, MM, Hvy Flamer - 70pts
Pts 2000 - This lets me play Khan and be a jerk heh. This is a massed bike army - trying to utilize its ability to reset the playing field by changing sides if need be. There is 15 points left, so one of the squads might jump to all melta. I am not sure if that is worth it as a bunch of flamers just sounds neat. And screw using Vulkan, this is all bikes all the time damnit.
This is what I am probably building towards even though I painted 2 Predators. They might jump to Space Goats as they have some red on there. And dark grey woot. Some pics of the army bits at the bottom. Either way I am sure people will be like, WTF with all the bikes? hah. And best of all, I drop the speeders and I got an 1850 force :).
Here is the current Space Goats everyday build. This is a kinda take all comers type of build that I will play somewhat consistently this next year.
HQ: Wolflord, Thunder Wolf Cav, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Runic Armor, Saga of the Bear, Wolf Tail Talisman - 265pts
HQ: Canis - 185pts
HQ: Rune Priest - 100pts
Elites: Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf, Wolf Tooth Necklace, Cyber Wolves (4) - 165pts
Elites: Wolf Guard (3), Powerfist (2), Mark of the Wulfen - 109pts
Troops: Grey Hunters (8), Meltagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Rhino - 170pts
Troops: Grey Hunters (9), Meltagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Rhino - 185pts
Troops: Grey Hunters (5), Meltagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Razorback - 150pts
Troops: Fenris Wolves (8) - 64pts
Troops: Fenris Wolves (8) - 64pts
FA: Thunder wolf Cav (5), Powerfist - 280pts
Heavy: Long Fangs (6), ML (3), HB (2) - 130pts
Heavy: Long Fangs (6), ML (4), HB - 135pts
Right at 2000 pts and with a lot of bit. I have some long range stuff, some quick assault stuff as well as some good mixed units. I don't have a lot of Melta, which could be an issue. It might be worth it to drop the Iron Priest for another small 5 man grey hunters squads in a razorback. I could tweak some points to get another Wolf Guard for them to help out and up the melta count to 4. Will see if that is worth it.
Now some pics. Tweaking photo taking bit - gonna try to fix the lighting as well as the set up. Fun times.

On your biker champion, how did you make that really cool looking double shoulder pad?
It comes with the marine command squad kit.
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