So this week might be royally f-d in the A when it comes to me getting some games in :(. If you live near the Gulf Coast there is a hurricane coming in. Also if you know what I do, technical support for an internet company, then you know there is a good chance we might be boned over this with wind, rain, and pure ass hatery. So I might not get to play :(. Which makes me sad as it is a heavy tournament and I could unleash whatever nonsense I could think of. So will see.
I was going to play either Space Wolves or Blood Angels depending on the mood I was in. I thought about a maxed out LR BA list just for shits and giggles or some kind of LoganWing. Lists below.
You saw the original 3 Super Hero Space Wolf Wolf Lord list - here is a LoganWing
HQ: Logan
HQ: Rune Priest, Jaws, Living Lightning
HQ: Wolf Priest
Troops: Wolf Guard X 10
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor, ChainFist, Storm Shield
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor
Wolf Guard, Mark of the Wolfen - Goes with Blood Claws
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun X 2, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wolfen, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun X 2, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wolfen, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Plasmagun X 2, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wolfen, Rhino
Troops: Blood Claws X 8, Power Weapon, Rhino
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, Missile Launcher X 5
Just a lot of troops, and try to control and protect the center. A more flexible list as well as just a way to play with some nonsense that I feel might be neat to mess around with. I wanted to test out more Plasma in some grey hunter squads, thus the change to plasma guns there. But it is a thought. Could be fun too, and playing with that many Terminators makes me feel like I am in 2nd edition haha.
BA - Land Raider HOOOO!!!
HQ: Librarian, Preferred Enemy, Sanguine Sword
Elites: Chaplain
Elites: Sanguinary Priests in Power Armor X 2, Power Sword X 2
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Meltagun X 2, Powerfist, Land Raider Crusader, Multi-Melta
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Flamer X 2, Powerfist, Land Raider Redeemer, Multi-Melta
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Meltagun X 2, Powerfist, Land Raider, Multi-melta
Heavy: Vindicator, Siege Shield
Heavy: Vindicator, Siege Shield
This is just a, can you deal with Land Raiders? No... I'm sorry TANK SHOCK!!! Who knows if it is any good but it should be alright to play. Plus I just like more feet on the table. And I can deep strike them for pure idiocy. The regular land raider is set up to be a tank hunter, with the others going right at your face. I don't like min squads in LR as once you pop the box, they are pretty much worthless after that.
So those new FAQ's? Some nonsense, some good. All and all it looks alright. They say some things that were pretty damned obvious. I don't like how Shadow doesn't work on people in vehicles as well as the change to how FC only works if you are still within the 6 inch sippy cup bubble. The goofiest thing is if a ini 6 character kills the priest, the squad loses their angry charge.
I have had a slow paint week with just some building of Tervigons for Darkwyn, 3 Plasma weapon holding goats, and some other small goofy stuff. The rain mixed with just being tired has kept me from working a bunch. Hopefully the change in schedule will help a bit as well as get a chance to see my wife more often.
Also, Green Blow Fly took up the offer for some art and got the following done for his blog header. Again the deal is $25 bucks gets you something cool. If you know people needing something drawn up, send them my way. I will be posting in Dakka and Bols for all those interested.

Those both look loltastic. Hammers in your face all day every day.
I just don't always play well with others hahahha. Or play nice :). Well I am nice, but my armies are not hah.
I really dig the BA list. It is very strong & I think you'll like it. Very much an aggressive list for sure.
Goat, I was going to be calling on you today anyway, since it's payday, but after seeing your work on GBF's site...
...gotta have it!
I need a new banner for Strictly Average. Got any ideas? The obvious thing is a new take on my Digital Head icon, but you're the artist - what are your thoughts?
And where do I send my money?
Shoot me an email to thomasart@Austin.rr.com and we can chat it out etc to get what you want :).
And yeah the BA list is a bit of a "Dumb" list as it is designed to work. There isn't a whole lot of subtlety to it, which can work in a tournament environment.
Kant wait to see what Goatboy does with that logo. I'm sure it will be real hot.
: )
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