Friday, October 29, 2010

Goatboy 40k - Lists, Lists, and more Lists

The internet is an interesting place. I post lists up on Bols usually weekly as a way to get some discussion going. It always interests me seeing people's opinions just to see what the rest of Intertubes thinks. Sometimes their opinions are alright and a lot of the time it is rather - well inbred. But hell I am not playing in your pool and what works for you works for you right? So who really cares hehe.

I just find it interesting. This game splits so many people and I do find it annoying at times. We all play the same game, it is just sometimes shaded of flavored differently. But hell if you are reading this then I am pretty sure you like to play some ass kicking armies :).

Here is the Boyz List I submitted and will play as it is all done. Woohoo.

HQ: Wolf Lord, Saga of the Bear, Bike, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Runic Armor
HQ: Wolf Priest, Bike, Saga of the Warrior Borne, Runic Armor
HQ: Wolf Priest, Saga of the Hunter, Meltabombs
Elites: Wolf Scouts X 5, Mark of the Wolfen, Meltagun
Elites: Wolf Scouts X 5, Power Weapon, Meltagun
Elites: Wolf Guard Battle Squad X 3
Wolf Guard, Power Armor, Bike, Frost Weapon - Swift Claws
Wolf Guard, Power Armor, Powerfist, Combi-Melta - Wolf Scouts
Wolf Guard, Power Armor, Powerfist, Combi-Melta - Wolf Scouts
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun X 2, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Flamer X 2, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Plasma Gun X 2, Rhino
FA: Swift Claws X 5, Power Weapon, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta
FA: Land Speeder, Typhoon ML
FA: Land Speeder, Typhoon ML

It is tweaked to be an odd list with no Long Fangs, no Rune Priest, and really I don't have to start on the board. It is in response to some of the normal SW builds we see as well as a big test to find out different avenues in the codex that could be lot more interesting to play against and with. Or so that's the hope. I don't have WG with the Grey Hunters as I like two special weapons in each squad that are not just based on combi weapons. Plus it would add more points and give you less stuff. The squads that need it get them as extra "wounds" or increases in effectiveness.

Will be hopefully getting some games with this on Saturday. Will see. I also got this cool magnetic board that is a solid flat red. I plan on doing some Chaos Stars on it to get it all Goat like and have the perfect holder tray. It even fits in my Sabol bag with all my dice and other nonsense so I am ready to go.

Finally some more Grotesques and other random bits and pieces :). I did get a new order for a World Eaters army - blue/white - so look for those coming in a couple weeks. Beyond that some more random bits.

Current Finished minis since sunday
4 Grotesques
3 Khador Greylords
2 Khador Greylord Solo
Vlad on ice base thingie
2 SG Goat Guard
4 SG Scout
10 RPG Figures
Webway Portal
1 IG Guy

Woohoo - might finish a FW Inquisitor and 2 RPG Figures. Will see. But all in all a good week. Will write up my next week starting on Sunday on Monday and see if I can get a lot finished :). Or so that is the plan. I also need to write my BOLS article too. Fun times.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Goatboy 40k Fun times

Tournament - I went 1 - 1 - 1 kinda. The draw was a draw but the other player got a bit more. I rolled pretty bad when a trukk boy squad assaulted a 9 Man Grey Hunter and I only killed 3 in the counter assault and then lost all of them to failed armor saves!! Yay.

Basic game breakdown.

Game 1 - Colby w/IG - Nice IG list beyond the Allies. He still hated my dice so we were even. I got there after he shot his army at the bike squad. Chomp chomp chomp. He had a Chimera left. Full points for me. Colby is a cool dude and he lived in Austin for a bit as he went to school and cut his teeth playing us jerks at BFG. Good guy and great to see him.

Game 2 - Jon Willingham - Space Wolves - Drop pod list - he beat me up as the dice went south on me in the end. I should have just fully reserved and then dealt with them. This is why my new Boyz list is different. I went with something new for my Space Goats. Good game, Jon is a cool guy even though he has beaten me twice. At least this was a game unlike the last one where I failed all my armor saves on my Super Goat Riders in one round of storm bolter fire. Jon won the Tournament too.

Game 3 - Russell with unorthodox orks. Russell is another guy who comes down with David Light to Austin to kick some ass. He wanted to get some revenge on the nonsense I did to him with Mephtison the last time I played him. He will be more then happy to talk about it. We both had funky dice rolling - I chased off Ghaz and friends with bikers and killed them, Grey Hunters sucked versus orks! - and overall a good fun game as it is always a blast playing Russell. I like to give him shit because I considered him a cool guy to hang out with. Russell got third.

Jon Wolf and Nick both lost their last games to get knocked out with Jon on the top table versus Jon Willingham and Nick versus Jay and his Blood Angels that loved Astrogoth making them pissed off. Overall I like the missions hated the terrain on the table. In fact I played two games on a table with almost no terrain. It was like I was playing an IG players wet dream. Here is hoping a new store does open with kick ass terrain in the future.

I will post my new Space Goats list after The Boyz Deadline of the 30th of October. I already submitted it and painted up all the pieces because I am a painting machine of doom. But it is different and hopefully interesting to play against and with. The basic core is still there, bikes of doom, but I went with some different thoughts on deployment and how I can interact with whatever is thrown at me. Oh and no Long Fangs! Gasp!!!

I did some paint testing on Dark Eldar stuff - Made a Webway Portal as well as the first Grotesques. I finished the next 2 so I have 4 total now. I need to find another or figure out something that looks enough like the other two to see what is up. Or I just run 4 and say eff it.

Current Paint projects for this week - Started on Sunday
4 Grotesques - Completed
1 Webway Portal - Completed
2 Khador Figures of the same guy but different clients - Completed
5 RPG Figures - Completed
4 SG Scouts - Completed
1 SG Goat Guard - Completed
1 FW/Regular IG Conversion - Completed
1 Bezerker Khador - In Box looking at me mad
1 Drago Khador - In box pissed as hell that he is too fat
1 Vlad - In Packet looking at me mad
5 RPG FIgures - In Packet saying that I am fat
1 Skarlock - For me! heh
Magnetic Tray Paint Goat/Chaos Symbol On - Laying on floor saying mean things about my pinky toes.
Chapter House Build/Test Tervigon - Need to find a Carnifex and then I paint the jerk
And probably some other random stuff - maybe a Soul Grinder for Bushido Red Panda to match the other two I painted.

And who the hell knows what else. I might have some art to do in there too :). Either way fun times for the Goatboy. I likes to paint!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Goatboy - Tournament this weekend in Houston

Heading out to Asgard Games this weekend for a no comp 40k tournament with Darkwynn and Jwolf. The question is do I play what I plan on bringing to Da Boyz GT or go with just something different? For those wondering, this is the current build list I want to play for the Boyz. It is an 1850 point tournament for those wondering.

HQ: Wolf Lord, Bike, Saga of the Bear, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield
HQ: Wolf Priest, Bike, Meltabombs
HQ: Wolf Priest, Saga of the Hunter
HQ: Rune Priest, JaWs, Living Lightning
Elites: Wolf Scouts X 5, Power Weapon, Meltaun, MoW
Elites: Wolf Guard Pack X 3
Wolf Guard, Power Armor, Power Weapon, Bike - Swiftclaw Bikers
Wolf Guard, Power Armor, Powerfist, Combi Melta - Wolf Scouts
Wolf Guard, Thunder Hammer, Stormshield - Blood Claws
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun x 2, MoW, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Flamer x 2, MoW, Rhino
Troops: Blood Claws x 6, Power Weapon, Rhino
FA: Swiftclaw Bikers X 5, Power Weapon, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, Missile Launcher X 5
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, Heavy Bolter X 5

I know one of the Wolf Guard is just crazy but I build the model and it looks cool. The ThunderHammer Storm shield combo just fits the idea of running with a pack of Blood Claws :).

Other army lists I could play follows

Fabius Bile
HQ: Fabius Bile
HQ: Chaos Lord, Daemonic Weapon
Elites: Possessed X 8, Mark of Tzeetnch, Rhino
Troops: CSM X 10, Mark of Nurgle, Bile upgrade, Meltagun X 2, Asp Champ, Power Fist, Rhino
Troops: CSM X 10, Mark of Khorne, Bile upgrade, Meltagun X 2, Asp Champ, Power Fist, Rhino
Troops: CSM X 10, Mark of Slaanesh, Bile upgrade, Flamer X 2, Asp Champ, Power Weapon, Rhino
Troops: Summoned Daemons X 5
Troops: Summoned Daemons X 5
Heavy: Obliterators X 3

It is solid - plays solid if not flashy and looks good on the table top. It has that random factor that is usually fun with any kinda of goofy army, plus I can say stupid stuff like - Bile it up. And I get a chance to get my Chaos Lord to actually work. He has rolled a 1 and then died the next turn both games he has been used in. Damnit he will work at some point.

HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Chariot, Master of Sorcery. Bolt of Tzeentch, Breath of Chaos
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Chariot, Master of Sorcery. Bolt of Tzeentch, Breath of Chaos
HQ: Herald of Khorne, Juggernaut, Unholy Might, Fury of Khorne
HQ: Herald of Khorne, Juggernaut, Unholy Might, Fury of Khorne
Elites: Bloodcrushers X 3, Musician, Icon of Chaos
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 6, Unholy Might
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 6, Unholy Might
Troops: Plaguebearers X 5
Troops: Plaguebearers X 5
Troops: Plaguebearers X 5
FA: Seekers of Slaanesh X 10, Icon of Chaos
Heavy: Soul Grinder, Tongue, Phlegm
Heavy: Soul Grinder, Tongue, Phlegm

This is a lean and mean Daemon list for 40k. All killer no real filler.

Or maybe this stupid BA list I wrote up too - I don't think I have the terminators but still it is a thought.

HQ: Mephiston
Elites: Assault Terminators, LC X 2, TH/SS X 3, LRC, MM
Elites: Assault Terminators, LC X 2, TH/SS X 3, LRR, MM
Elites: Sang Priest X 2, Combi-Melta X 2, Lightning Claw X 2
Troops: Ass Squad X 5, Meltagun, Razorback, TWL
Troops: Ass Squad X 5, Meltagun, Razorback, TWL
Troops: Ass Squad X 5, Meltagun, Razorback, TWL

This is a I move forward and you deal with me or else type of army. Simple, will beat most gimp lists, and will be a pain in the ass for others. Still, stop the fists you stop the combo. Or as I would say - CCCOMMBOO BREAKER!!!

Or I could do this instead - which is what I have for sure model wise.

HQ: Mephiston
Elites: Sang Priest X 2
Elites: Furioso Dreadnought, Blood Talons
Elites: Furioso Dreadnought, Blood Talons
Troops: Ass Squad X 10, Meltagun X 2, Powerfist, LRC, MM
Troops: Ass Squad X 10, Meltagun X 2, Powerfist, LRC, MM
Troops: Ass Squad X 5, Meltagun, Razorback, Asscannon
Troops: Ass Squad X 5, Meltagun, Razorback, Asscannon

Another version with BT jerks to do some damage.

So yeah thoughts?

Oh some painted stuff - Cuz I painted stuff!!!


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Played a game with the SW

Man - hampering yourself makes you hate your army sometimes. I know we all try to sculpt a list to make things fun - and Chris with his Nids had a fun Nid army - it just felt like I was - I just don't know. Like I wasn't able to make it at 11. It is life and I need to play the list more - and as usual I changed it up a bit again. Of course my scouts sucked ass - rolling a 1 to come in - I swear if I need to roll a 3+ I just can't. FU Njal.

This weekend I got a tournament in Houston. It is a no comp thing and I am just not sure what to bring. I could go with Daemons, as I enjoy playing them, or a super mean SW list that just lets me play what I want. I just don't know. Will see. I will think about it. Current Da Boyz SW list that I think I will bring -

HQ: Wolf Lord, Bike, Saga of the Bear, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Runic Armor - 250pts
HQ: Wolf Priest, Bike, Runic Armor - 155pts
HQ: Wolf Priest, Saga of the Hunter - 110pts
HQ: Rune Priest, JaWs, Living Lightning - 100pts
Elites: Wolf Scouts x 5, MoW, Power Weapon, Meltagun - 115pts
Elites: Wolf Guard x 6 - 243pts
Wolf Guard, Power Armor, Power Weapon - Grey Hunters # 1
Wolf Guard, Power Armor, Power Weapon - Grey Hunters # 2
Wolf Guard, Power Armor, Power Weapon - Grey Hunters # 3
Wolf Guard, Power Armor, Power Weapon, Bike - Swift Claws
Wolf Guard, Power Armor, MoW - Wolf Scouts
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor, Cyclone ML - Long Fangs
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Flamer, Power Weapon, MoW, Rhino - 185pts
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Flamer, Power Weapon, MoW, Rhino - 185pts
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Meltagun, Power Weapon, MoW, Rhino - 190pts
FA: Swift Claws X 5, Meltagun, Power Weapon, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta - 190pts
Heavy: Long Fangs x 6, Missile Launcher X 2, Heavy Bolter X 3 - 125pts

1848pts right there - Thoughts? It gives me lots of options - the Wolf Priest with the Scouts should be fun and I get to paint another Space Goat to make a cool looking model. Plus it will just be neat to have a crazy Goat with some red facial stuff or something else designed. Something neat. Either way I think it will work out cool. If not I try to fit in a Iron Priest on Thunder Wolf to give me some kind of Crazy killer to use. I just don't know. This thought just gives me more goats - which I can't say isn't bad.

Also here is a DE list I just kinda threw together. I think it might be fun, has no SC and is designed to create different avenues of assault/damage etc. Plus I get to go zoom zoom with Reavers :).

HQ: Archon, Agoniser, Combat Drugs, Shadowfield, Soul Trap - 135pts
HQ: Haemonculus, Liquifer Gun, Webway Portal - 95pts
Haemonculus, Liquifer Gun, Webway Portal - 95pts
Elites: Incubi X 4, Klaivex, Onslaught, Venom, Splinter Cannons X 2 - 193pts
Elites: Kabalite Elites X 4, Blaster X 3, Venom, Splinter Cannons X 2 - 168pts
Elites: Kabalite Elites X 4, Blaster X 3, Venom, Splinter Cannons X 2 - 168pts
Troops: Wyches X 15, Shardnet/Impaler, Razorflails X 2, Hekatrix, Agoniser - 195pts
Troops: Wyches X 15, Shardnet/Impaler, Razorflails X 2, Hekatrix, Agoniser - 195pts
Troops: Kabalite Warriors X 10, Splinter Cannon, Raider, Flickerfield - 185pts
Troops: Kabalite Warriors X 10, Splinter Cannon, Raider, Flickerfield - 185pts
FA: Reavers X 3 - 64pts
FA: Reavers X 3 - 64pts
Heavy: Cronos Parasite Engine, Blast Gun - 100pts

It also isn't too bad pocket book wise.
1 Box Incubi - 30 Bucks
3 Boxes Wyches - 75 bucks
3 Boxes Warriors - 75 bucks
2 Boxes Reavers - 70 bucks
1 Tomb Spyder to convert - 23 bucks
1 Archon - 15 bucks
2 Haemonculous's - 25 bucks
2 Raiders - 66 bucks
3 Vypers - Depends on Ebay for junked Vypers to cannibalize - 10-15bucks

Total - $400.00 - minus discount/Tournament winnings. Right where I would want a new army cost to be to make it worth wile in my brain. Is it any good? Who the hell knows. I got some nice anti troop, some anti vehicle. Some stupid Pain Token nonsense as well as some good assault to kill tough things etc. Will play test it with some old DE we have locally. Make the new models just look so much better.

So yeah - those are thoughts. It is about time to jump off the blog - gonna throw down with some Halo Reach with the kick ass wife.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Goatboy - Wow another post

I took a half day off today to get some games at the store. I had a random 4 hours left on personal due to changes in my work schedule (10 hour days to 8 hour days) so I decided to get some games in. Having your work schedule change up and screw up your normal game days really drives me bonkers. I think guys in general, need some form of competition or camaraderie to get on - no matter the athletic/mental/etc skills of the guy. Taking that way frustrates you and right now I am kinda frustrated in the lack of wargaming time I get. I play on weekends, but a lot of the time it isn't as much of a game mind set, more of a hang out mindset. Either way - Goatboy is not in his special cave of gaming :).

But enough of that and my casual gamer life right now - I finished up the possessed squad for Fritz. I forgot one guy and I went ahead and painted him before I came into work this afternoon. So imagine the picture with one more dude. It does make me want to play Mordehium (too lazy to look up proper spelling).

Tweaked my Space Goats list for the Boyz GT - Will submit it soon for grading and see if I can pass the test of casual awesome.

HQ: Wolf Lord, Bike, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer, Saga of the Bear, Wolf Tail, WolfTooth, Runic Armor
HQ: Wolf Guard Battle Leader, Saga of the Hunter, Storm Shield, Powerfist
HQ: Wolf Priest, Bike, Runic Armor
HQ: Rune Priest, Living Lightning, Murderous Hurricane
Elites: Wolf Scouts X 5, MoW, Power Weapon, Meltagun
Elties: Wolf Guard Squad X 5
Wolf Guard 1 - Power Weapon, Bike - Attaches to Swift Claws
Wolf Guard 2 - Power Weapon - Attaches to Grey Hunters
Wolf Guard 3 - Power Weapon - Attaches to Blood Claws
Wolf Guard 4 - MoW - Attaches to Scouts
Wolf Guard 5 - Terminator Armor, Cyclone Missile Launcher - Attaches to Long Fangs
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun X 2, Drop Pod
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, MoW, Power Weapon, Flamer, Rhino
Troops: Blood Claws X 8, Power Weapon, Rhino
FA: Swiftclaws X 5, Meltagun, Power Weapon, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, Missile Launcher X 2, Heavy Bolter X 3

1845 right on the nose. I went ahead and added a Wolf Guard Battle Leader to join the Wolf Scouts and cause some shenanigans. Will it be good? Hope so heh - it is a weird mix of stuff and I think it will work alright. I just have to not miss with my melta :).

So will see - I will play it tonight - and as I play it if I like this I will submit in a week or so and just say - bring it sucka mc's!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Goatboy - 40k Nonsense as usual

DE are going to be hitting our tables at some point. Most likely grey, most likely by people that will end up hating them, and most likely landing in the hands of better players who want a challenge. The army looks neat, should play hard, and should give you a lot of bang for your buck. The majority of the good stuff in the list is plastic - making it a nice army to look at if you want to jump into something new. I know it is seriously tempting to me, and if I can find a way to paint it that makes me not want to pull out my goat horns I will probably jump in feet first and hope that the Archon doesn't get too interesting my goodies.

Here is the initial thought list I want to try to think towards.

HQ: Baron Sathonyx
HQ: Haemonculous X 2, Agonisers X 2
Elites: Kalabite True Born X 4, Blasters X 4, Venom, Splinter Cannon
Elites: Kalabite True Born X 4, Blasters X 4, Venom, Splinter Cannon
Troops: Hellions X 15, Helliarch, Stunclaw
Troops: Hellions X 15, Helliarch, Stunclaw
Troops: Wyches X 10, Hekatrix, Blaster Pistol, Agonizer, Raider, Flickerfield
Troops: Wyches X 10, Hekatrix, Blaster Pistol, Agonizer, Raider, Flickerfield
Troops: Wyches X 10, Hekatrix, Blaster Pistol, Agonizer, Raider, Flickerfield
Heavy: Cronos Parasite Engine, Spirit Vortex

The two Haemonculous's start attached to the Hellions. They break away, give up their pain token and attach to the True Borns and get ready to run forward and die for the greater glory by popping some raider or other nonsense. The Parasite engine is there to get pain on the Wyches and hopefully get them into some business somewhere. It is a large amount of models and it might work out well. Will see.

It sits close to 1850 - with some points left over to try out some nonsense on the Haemonculous. I could try two webway portals and have the Wyches without a ride too. It is another thought to get one up midfield and then another further in. All a bunch of thoughts. I am still not sure yet as I just feel that I might like warriors over wyches for the additional anti vehicle and anti infantry with the massed Poison shots. It is hard to say. Will just have to wait and see.

Painted up some more stuff as usual. Will be updating the main Full of Monkey site with new tiered pics as well as other fun stuff. Fun times indeed. Got a tournament to go to in Houston. Will probably play my Daemons as there is no Comp, so I can bring whatever I want. I could throw down with Wolves but I figured I need to rest them a bit before I hit up Rochester. Will post the list before I go.

Painted things!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Goatboy - Lord sometimes I just wonder

Every once in awhile I get a loverly link to someone giving me shit. It makes me laugh, as most of the time it is people just getting all tough guy online. A lot of the time it just makes me wonder what anyone would ever say to me if I came around to their sand pit. It is just interesting as really - I strive to not give anyone any shit - nor do I come out as a mean jerk or a douche bag. It isn't in my nature as shit this game is about fun and I want it to stay that way for me. Yeah I like to play mean shit - but really if you want to excel in something you will eventually play as best as you can to excel.

Sorry for that - it just gets somewhat annoying when it seems it is just cool to hate right? Oh well - I guess I need to start an internet fight at some point. I think I could yell at Brent at Strictly Average or maybe Jawa. I could draw some terrible pictures as a new way to push the internet fight into some kind of crazy. Or do a cool youtube video talking about how I will make your head look like a slurpee or some nonsense. Or maybe not and just continue going to tournaments and winning best sportsman :). Heh.

This week I got the following on the dock to paint
9 Slaanesh Bile Marked Marines
10 Nurgle Bile Marked Marines
2 Rhino tweaks to get them in line
20 Ghouls
6 - 9 RPG figures
5-10 Seekers of Slaanesh
Cataloging new commission from Spain client
Ninja Dance and some Halo Reach I hope too

I know the last two aren't paint things - but fuck it, it is my blog damnit.

New and final Bile list that I might take to the Boyz GT.

HQ: Fabius Bile
HQ: Chaos Lord, Daemonic Weapon
Elites: Possessed X 8, Mark of Tzeetnch, Rhino
Troops: CSM X 10, Mark of Nurgle, Bile upgrade, Meltagun X 2, Asp Champ, Power Fist, Rhino
Troops: CSM X 10, Mark of Khorne, Bile upgrade, Meltagun X 2, Asp Champ, Power Fist, Rhino
Troops: CSM X 10, Mark of Slaanesh, Bile upgrade, Flamer X 2, Asp Champ, Power Weapon, Rhino
Troops: Summoned Daemons X 5
Troops: Summoned Daemons X 5
Heavy: Obliterators X 3

Final list - 1850 - Fluffy, fun, and kinda ok to play with. Will see - it is either that or the SW. Both look neat but the SW is so all over the place it might be a lot more fun to play and try to out play my opponents.

This past weekend I played a 40k tournament at the local store Dragon's Lair. It was a 2000 pt tournament and I threw down with Daemons. I think I might have the "best" list for myself to play. And it is especially designed to eat Marines too, and with the current environment that is a good thing.

HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Chariot, Master of Sorcery. Bolt of Tzeentch, Breath of Chaos
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Chariot, Master of Sorcery. Bolt of Tzeentch, Breath of Chaos
HQ: Herald of Khorne, Juggernaut, Unholy Might, Fury of Khorne
HQ: Herald of Khorne, Juggernaut, Unholy Might, Fury of Khorne
Elites: Bloodcrushers X 3, Musician, Icon of Chaos
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 6, Unholy Might
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 6, Unholy Might
Troops: Plaguebearers X 5
Troops: Plaguebearers X 5
Troops: Plaguebearers X 5
FA: Seekers of Slaanesh X 10, Icon of Chaos
Heavy: Soul Grinder, Tongue, Phlegm
Heavy: Soul Grinder, Tongue, Phlegm
Heavy: Soul Grinder, Phlegm

Round 1 - Mark - Marines w/ Lysander - LRC, Dreadnought with ML/TWL Lascannon, Some dudes - Librarian - assault terminators. Your normal Marine army. - 5 Objectives

The right squad came in - Crushers + 2 Heralds, 1 Tzeentch Herald, 1 Non tongue grinder, 2 Fiends. This came down to getting in there and just chewing up some marines. Mark made some mistakes with target priority that hurt him by leaving his Assault squad stranded after shooting down some fiends. I was able to get there and get to business. Lysander did punk out some Grinders and was a complete bad ass. I left him with an immobilized LR and some Terminators. MVP's of this match - Fiends did their business well and the two Tzeentch heralds breathed on a lot of guys.

20 points to me

Round 2 - Jay - Bushido Red Panda - with his awesome CSM army. Abbadon, LR, Zerkers, Raptors, Plague Marines, 3 Summoned Daemons, 4 Oblits. 5 Objectives

Jay had some bad luck and didn't feel up to finishing the game. I was ahead as my fiends were being jerks hitting and running around the board. Abbadon was left as well as the LR. I was coming to get it soon but that was life on the game. I won with the objectives.

20 points to me

Round 3 - Brandon/Minus67 - Slaanesh Daemons - Keeper, 72 Daemonettes, 3 Grinders, 12 Fiends. 2 Objectives

Woohoo Daemon fight. Both of use didn't get the right squad in and so it was me fleeting Grinders into Daemonettes to stick them. As well as getting some luck keeping his units at bay. We got tied on Objectives as we both had one troop unit left and ended up tied at the end of the game. Highlight was charging in with a squad of fiends and Seekers into the Keeper. I killed her as she is fragile when dealing with lots of attacks :). She does great versus Marines where she can hit around and rub her multiboobs all over the field.

10 points to me.

I ended up winning the event in the end and had a good time. So all in all I like my Daemons. I just feel that they are not a good - have fun and play army. They are either way too good versus a mediocre army - or just over matched in firepower. It isn't a middle tier army - it is a tier defining army. It is why sometimes that Daemon player will just win everything that come at them. And other times they just roll over. Hell it is the one army that is all about those damned 6's :). Or 5's...

Finally an old Chaos Lord I found and redid. Woohoo - this Bile army is coming on strong to go to Rochester.