Damn allergies just suck. The constant flux in weather is making my allergies, mind, and dark corrupted soul squirm in snot infused agony. Blargh!!! But at least I know today will be a good one because when I came into work I heard House of Pain's Jump Around. No day can suck when that song ends your day :).
So far this week has been kinda meh on the paint front. I did finish some things just not as much as I would want. This current batch of cold will keep me from priming once again so it will most likely become an art/catch up week etc. And some building.
List from Monday with updates.
Luis P
6 Necromunda guys built - DONE!
10 Necromunda guys - need to be built - that is my "plan" - got some dudes maybe will builds em
Scott M.
Build an Ork fighta bomba thingie - It is in a box!
Robert G
1 Doomrider - Done pics below
First IG dude - Done pics below
Second IG Dude - Primed!!!
Daemon Prince Chick - Needs to be pinned and primed.
Reaver! - if the weather is getting better by the weekend I am going to get my ass to working on the legs. It looks awesome
ML - Primed!
Nick aka Darkwynn
Menoth - need to evaluate and build a price to paint list out of all of it. lots of metal dudes I am going to get mad at.
Chris C
3 Reavers - Done!
3 Reavers - Primed!
4 Grey Grammer Wolves Hunters - Done!
1 Word Bearer Red Grey Grammar Wolves - Done!
So hopefully I can finish the stuff above so I feel like a big boy. I got another banner commission to do so that will show up here again. Plus I need to do some educational art and other fun things too. I am always busy hahah.
I am looking at rebuilding Kharn for my Fabius bile army. A crazy big mutant running around crushing stuff. That is what is in my head so will see if it comes out when I paint him up. He will be based off the armored Black Orc from Fantasy. It is one of those armies that I just enjoy playing because it is so random. Plus it has a ton of good assault stuff :).
I will be bringing the Grammar Wolves this Thursday to do some more game testing with. Beyond that there is a tournament this Saturday with weird rules. I might just go to help judge as I think it would make for a smoother run tournament. Plus I can look at building and finishing my Storm Raven or two :). If the 2nd one comes in today.
Images of stuff done. Woohoo!

And I need to write my articles for BOLS. A list thought and another one with the word - DBags of Space. Woohoo
Brock M-F-Sampson FTW
Still waiting for the Monarch-themed 40k army.
Brock M-F-Sampson FTW
Still waiting for the Monarch-themed 40k army.
Brock M-F-Sampson FTW
Still waiting for the Monarch-themed 40k army.
Brock M-F-Sampson FTW
Still waiting for the Monarch-themed 40k army.
Doomrider looks awesome
Doomrider was a bastiche for sure !!
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